ok..i know it's a bit too late for this xD but hey better late then never *cough* so we went to design yatra conference. it's awesome! let the pictures tell the story~
{DAY 1}
Wally Olins .. he's scary!! OAO
William Harold-Wong.. Naga!! xD
Rohan Thomas... MAC pc rules!! }:O cis!
OMG!! NEVILLE BRODY!!! *faint* he is awesome!!
I LOVE CHRIS LEE!!!! OAO he is funny!! and awesome!!!
Kenya Hara!! his work really captivate me!! great guy! I still hate the guy who stupidly asked him Question that even a 5 year old can ask better & in a more simpler way! it's not a surprise if Kenya Hara can'n understand the Q..even i get confused! stupid guy! KENYA HARA RULES!!
believe it or not... that's water. A logo made out of water... *see how it works in d video below*
wasn't that just AWESOME?!! OAO
{DAY 2}
Happy multimedia student of TOA u_u
DIXONBAXI!!!!! HOMG! awesome guys!
Dixon~ *points at his hand on the shoulder* kehkehkeh~
KATE TUDBALL!! she's awesome!!! the only female presenter! HOMG! *salute* and she's cute!! SERIOUSLY!! OxO
see~ xD Kate is cute~
Discussion.. Neville and William & paul Hughes
VINCE FROST!! OMG!! i still haven't send the pictures to him!! *faint* love his work!
Andy Altman. the work where there's writing on the stone is awesome hahaha!
OMG!!! PAUL HUGHES!!!! HE IS AWESOME I TELL YOU!!! the way he present.. the thing he present is like.... wow...
look at the long roll of parchment...i mean wallpaper.. LOL! very interesting indeed!!
yeap~ that's about it~ 8D it was really worth it and fun!!! i hope they'll do it again XO
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