last 2 night, i was being a little bit productive. sketched 5 stuff in 3 hours I think. but only 2 is satisfactory T_T i am hopeless. wanted to finish this 1 piece, but got caught up doing Mist instead HAHAHA!!!

I know... a lot of mistakes. background was done in a rush *cough* was running out of idea. u_u and yes..... that's an obese bird heh...heh....
one good thing about doing fanart, I can work on the colors... not in picking it, but mixing it u_u less hassle. heh!
time: don't rmmbr
tool: pencil, paper, sai, photoshop
some screenshots + close ups..

hope I didn't butchered her too much ORZ!!!!!
lolololol okay what, you draw her in your style ma, where got butchered? lololol xD