
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

4 days holiday. sorta...

8D so finally, I officially graduated from THE ONE ACADEMY OF COMMUNICATION DESIGN!!!!! ;_____; all those years cursing, and nurturing *cough* designer eye bags... phew! it was an awesome experience! even though that college really is an assignment hell, but it was worth every second of my life. (i mean... what for you pay all the money if there are no assignments rite? pfft) like what our vice president said (CHEWAH!! aurelia! XD) I would not trade those moments for anything else. Getting into this college is one of the best choice I have made in my life. I never even 1 bit regretted my choice. I seriously think that, if you can survive TOA, you can survive any other colleges out there LOL! XD

complaining about the school is not a surprising thing. TOA = torture our ass, tons of assignments, teh o ais 8D, etc etc. but toa is a good school, and I will never ever think about joining other art colleges here in malaysia. ;D

so yes. ;______; I am seriously missing my friends, & lecturers, and can't believe I'm saying this, I miss the TOA building itself. ;____; went back there to take my diploma cert, and I really did take my time walking up the stairs as slow as I can. looking left & right and smile to all memories that I have made in any corners of the school. SOBS.

so to all my friends, CONGRATULATIONS!!! and to lecturers, ;___; I thank thank thank you guys from the pit of my heart (lol) all the things that you guys have done for us is like, too much!!! ;_; the stuff that u taught us, the time that you spend during & after work, etc etc. I hope I won't let you guys down, and will make use & pass all the knowledge as long as I still have the energy & sanity to do so.

meet Encik Kacang *cough* the fur color looks like peanut color LOL!


so during the convo night, I saw a lot of people got flower bouquets & HUGE ASS teddy bear from either their parents, or friends etc. 8D but I got myself something... rather different. well I'd like to think of it as graduation gifts *cough* when actually it is not. well not really. XD

Persona 4 Official Design Works, and Tekkon Kinkreet artbook! *lick*

actually I wasn't planning on getting P4's artbook, but accidentally saw it, and it was the only copy left on the shelf. so heck!!! took it! 8D I wanted to know more on the err... mechanics in how characters are designed too, not only gawk on the pretty works. books like this are very useful.


wanted to get on of this since... wow... since long long loooong time ago!!! ;____; and finally *sobs* this is like, one of the most awesome book I have ever held! the intricate details in every page for the environment, building, architecture, city, MAPS, are like AMAZING!

RM181 /--

bought this because I wanted to learn more on architecture, landscape, scenery, dynamic angles also lighting. great books are worth every penny. ;D I bought a perspective studies book too. I really want to get better in drawing perspective. :3

now, to get Shigenori Soejima & Shinji Kimura's autograph for this. *rub chin* I will promise myself to make a post solely for studio 4°c because they are too awesome. hahahaha!!!!

p/s seeing the drawings comes to life made everything extra extra awesome!!! 8D


totally on a different note... got myself new pair of clothes _-_ i totally killed somebody's purse that day *orz*

Cache Cache black cardigan + top = 200++

Forever 21 brown long sleeve shirt + singlet... looking thing = RM160++

so yeah. Am gonna start working tomorrow T_T (well since it's 1 am, it's practically tomorrow now) ;____; JIA YOU IFA!!!!!!!!!!!!

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